
One area of math education in need of significant improvement is that many educators miss the real focus of the lessons.  To use an analogy, a person paying a credit card bill should focus more on the service fees than on the interest rates, because the former may inflate the effective interest rates to over 100%.  When teaching addition, teachers should focus on counting backwards; it helps children learn to add their nines and eights.  My experience as a student was that in nearly every subject my teachers usually missed the focus.  For example, in geometry, understanding the definition of parallel lines can tie together much of what is taught as separate topics.  College level math education has had only limited success because many students focus on learning the material but not the subject.  Think about that statement.

Further complications arise when tests are not well designed or their results interpreted, and because administrators are not encouraged to reveal the failures.  The Federal "No Child Left Behind" program was based on a program from the Houston School System, which, because it was misleading, made the System appear to be accomplishing its goals.

The industry that supports elementary education is very effective in its marketing, but I regard it to be mostly an educational scam.  Many educators have recognized this duplicity and are justifiably reluctant to try anything that is new.  Parents and educators are tired of being lead on.

I started Imaginative Multi-Media principally to solve the problem of how to teach mathematics, not as an approach to cash in on the educational financial bonanza.  I did not use grants, university research programs, or other revenue-producing sources to try out my approach.  Rather, I spent six years of volunteering in schools and thousands of dollars of my own to develop textbooks that would allow teachers to improve their understanding and teaching of math.  Colloquially, I got my hands dirty.

My products and services are based on the experiences of teaching at every elementary grade school level, not on slick marketing practices.  My methods are those of a scientist, not of a marketer.  Improving  math education is my only goal.   
